Thursday, October 27, 2011

Photographer...... that's me, well not today!

This is a first.... My first blog that is.

I'm a photographer.... My lens is a clear window to look out and capture all the beauty I see through it. It's an amazing thing to be able to steal a single moment in time forever. It's exciting and I get a rush every time I have a photo shoot. It's a profession that allows you to be part of someone's day and put those memories into a form of forever. Photography has become sort of an addiction, always wanting to get that "perfect picure" when most times all pictures have their own perfections. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .... right???

I have been doing photography for about 7 years and today I had to step on the other side of that lens via the talent of my amazing friend Jessie Miller. As I stood in front of her lens I realized how uncomfortable I was. Who would've thought, but there I was not knowing what in the world to do with myself.  I have instructed countless people, including Jessie for her senior pictures but here I was stoopified... lol  I now have a HUGE respect and understanding for those that have felt the same thing.  She's deserves kudos for working with a shy subject....... You Rock Jessie... xoxo

Now as I look back, I would love to do it again and conquer those fears of being on the "other side" of that lens. It will also help me with my work from behind the lens.  I hope it gives me an even BIGGER understanding for helping pull confidence from those I photograph.

Thank you Jessie for putting up with me today and sharing your talent.  Also.... inspiring me to start in the world of blogging...... it's like therapy!!! :)

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